What do I do with this feeling of envy? hmm

Let’s talk about a little something we’ve all experienced while scrolling through our feeds – envy. Yes, that green-eyed monster that creeps up when you see someone flaunting their high-status life, fabulous vacations, dreamy experiences, and a squad of friends so tight you could bounce a quarter off their camaraderie. It’s like a bad case of FOMO (Fear of Missing Out), but with a side of envy.

Now, don’t feel too guilty about it; you are not alone. Envy is as human as it gets. We’re social creatures, hardwired to compare ourselves to others. It’s in our DNA, a survival strategy of sorts. Back in the day, when cavemen compared their club sizes, it probably helped them evolve. But is this ancient instinct good or bad for our modern mental health? Well, let’s dive in!

When we start fixating on the abyss between us and those shiny, envy-inducing lives on our screens, things can take a gloomy turn. Upward comparison, where we magnify the differences between them and us, isn’t exactly a recipe for inner peace. It can leave us feeling like our lives are about as exciting as watching paint dry. Not exactly great for our mental well-being, right?

But, wait!

There’s a twist in this tale! Envy doesn’t have to be the villain. If we shift our perspective from, “Why don’t I have what they have?” to “How can I get there?”, something magical happens. Envy can morph into motivation. When we turn the person we envy into a role model, it’s like having a personal life coach. We start to emulate their strategies, adopt their habits, and guess what? It moves us closer to our own happiness and success. Who knew that green-eyed monster could be so helpful?

In the grand scheme of things, envy on social media isn’t inherently good or bad. It’s all about how we channel it. So, next time you find yourself eyeing someone’s latest escapades with a twinge of jealousy, take a moment to reflect. Are you wallowing in the comparison swamp, or are you turning that envy into a rocket fueling your own journey to happiness and success?

In the end, social media envy is just another quirk of our wonderfully complex human nature. Use it wisely, and it could be your secret sauce for a happier and more motivated you!

Contributors: Serena Shim & Linda Sultana